PATA India Chapter New Executive Committee & Office Bearers


PATA India Chapter, New Delhi held its 45th AGM on 16 December, 2015 at Hotel Le Meridian, New Delhi. The Executive Committee for the term 2015-17 was unanimously elected at this meeting Further on 6th January, 2016, the Executive Committee assumed office and unanimously elected the following EC Members as Office Bearers for a two year term:

Hon Chairman : Mr Vinod Zutshi, Secretary, Ministry of tourism

As per PATA India Chapter by laws, The Secretary Tourism, Government of India, shall automatically assume office as Chairman, PATA India Chapter

Chairman : Mr Vinod Zutshi, Secretary, Ministry of Tourism, Govt. of India

Hon. Vice Chairman : Mr SanJeet, Director, DDP  Pvt. Ltd

Hon. Secretary : Mr Jatinder Taneja, Managing Director, Travel Spirit International Pvt. Ltd

Hon Treasurer : Mr Vikram Madhok, Managing Director,  Abercrombie & Kent India Pvt Ltd

Mr Runeep Sangha, who is already the Executive Director of PATA India Chapter, since 2012, will continue in his role :

The Chapter has outlined for itself some aggressive plans for the year 2016 covering both domestic and international events. It will continue to bring international learnings and best practices for the benefit of the industry and its Membership. It will work in partnership with all industry stakeholders to augment the promotion of tourism to India.