Belgium’s Borders to Remain Open


Belgium confirms free access for visitors arriving by land.

Free access to Belgium will continue as normal this summer. Recent speculation that controls on air arrivals will be extended to land borders is erroneous.  In particular coach groups can expect continued “borderless” access when arriving from any of the neighbouring states.

Peter de Wilde, Chief Executive of Visit Flanders says: “We know there has been some confusion in the marketplace, and so I am delighted to confirm that there are no plans to impose systematic checks on vehicles at the Belgian border. We know that Flanders features in many pan-European itineraries, and it is important that incoming visitors – especially those from long haul origin markets – know that they are welcome. Part of that welcome is the continuation of the unfettered access allowed to those coming in from our neighbouring countries.”

“Belgium” said Tom Jenkins, CEO of ETOA “lies at the heart of Europe. Brussels is the centre of the EU. With its incomparable architectural heritage, its culture and cuisine, Brussels embodies much of what makes Europe attractive and unique. It is vital for visitors to Europe that they can have unimpeded access to such an important destination.”