Turkey is the 6th most popular tourist destination in the world


turkeyTurkey is the 6th most popular tourist destination in the world according to UNWTO World Tourism barometer, provides world class cuisine, vibrant cities, warm hospitality, recreational facilities, historical attractions, cultural heritage and unparallel natural beauty. On the occasion, Turkey Tourism also launched its website http://www.turkeytourism.in, specifically for the Indian audience with a view to enhance its product line and expand the destination knowledge base. The dynamic and interactive website, highlights Turkey’s attractions to the Indian audience, its close proximity, appeal to families, adventure tourists, backpackers, solo travelers, luxury, MICE and business travelers.  Key feature of the website is its e-visa application – www.evisa.gov.tr, since its inception in April 2013, over 15,140 Indians and 4,30,014 travelers around the world have used the online visa system (e-visa) for their convenience.

Two contests will be held in succession – first for Blogger’s, where existing Indian travel bloggers will be invited to write about one Reason out of the Millions, that excites them about Turkey and makes them want to visit the country. Followed by a public voting and a highly distinguished jury will select one lucky blogger and voter who will win an all expense paid trip to Turkey. Consecutively, the contest will be open to Facebook and Twitter users. The appointed jury will pick one winner from each platform who will also avail a holiday in Turkey.

Mr. Adnan Aykaç, GM of Turkish Airlines, Northern and Eastern India said, “At Turkish Airlines, we have growth plans and our efforts complement that of Turkey Tourism in bringing more and more visitors from India to Turkey to experience Turkish hospitality in all its glory. These contests help us reach out to the public and to travel writers and showcase Turkey as the perfect tourist destination for Indian travellers due to its proximity and its vast and ever improving air connectivity.

Mr. Ozgur Ayturk, Culture and Tourism Counsellor, Turkish Embassy said, “These efforts are part of a combined marketing campaign across the media advertising, PR programmes, trade shows, consumer promotions, online communication and consumer research to showcase the enchanting and rich experiential offerings of Turkey. Our new website is visually appealing and will work as a guide to consumer as well as the travel trade community. One important aspect of the website is to facilitate Indians to apply for an e-visa, which is very beneficial to avid travelers. The e-visa system allows Indian citizens to obtain their visa electronically after entering required information and making payment by credit card without going to the Embassy or the Consulate.”  

 The Bloggers Contest will be open from the 13th – 27th November, 2013 and the Facebook & Twitter Contests will be held from 5th – 22ndDecember, 2013.