visitBerlin develops a tourism data hub for the city


visitBerlin is beginning to develop its smart tourism database for Berlin and has gotten Join GmbH on board as a partner. The goal is to store and consolidate all the city’s tourism information – e.g., about hotels, sights, museums, attractions, restaurants, and events – in a machine-readable format in a digital data hub, and make it usable for a variety of applications. Not only will the city’s tourism providers benefit from the smart database, but the modern technology will also make it possible for visitors to access the latest information through various channels. visitBerlin plans to finish the development of the first prototype by late 2022.

“Digitalization is affecting all industries today and, of course, tourism as well. The new DataHub is a consequent decision to make the wide range of information about Berlin tourism centrally usable for everyone. By developing a hub for Berlin-specific tourism knowledge, we are helping the industry to position itself for the future and to meet the needs of Berliners and visitors alike,” says Michael Biel, State Secretary of the Senate Department for Economics, Energy and Public Enterprises.

“With our new data hub, we are making Berlin tourism a bit smarter and creating the technical foundations to continue to play in the top group in the international competition among city destinations in the future,” says Burkhard Kieker, CEO of visitBerlin.

The project will last until late 2023. Internal data from visitBerlin will be compiled for the prototype planned for release by the end of the year and stored centrally in the database. Other external systems will be integrated into the second project phase next year. The new data hub is expected to lay the groundwork for further smart applications, such as AI-based services. Personalised event tips for the visitor might be possible alongside tailored travel products. 

Join GmbH from Magdeburg has already realized numerous tourism-related data consolidation projects. The Senate Department for Economics, Energy, and Public Enterprises also financially supports the tourism data hub.

“Inspiring the world for Berlin.” With this mission, Berlin Tourismus & Kongress GmbH promotes Berlin’s destination management as well as the city’s tourism and congress marketing. Under the visitBerlin brand, the company is a partner, actor, source of creative ideas, and networker. Its remit is focused on sustainable product development and marketing city-compatible tourism services in all twelve Berlin boroughs to maintain the life quality of local residents and harmoniously increase experience value for visitors. As a tour operator, visitBerlin also issues the Berlin WelcomeCard, the city’s official tourist ticket. The company also operates the Berlin Tourist Info Centres and the Berlin Service Center advice line.