MTDC unveils “Maharashtra Unlimited” special edition on Mumbai

maharashtra unlimited

maharashtra unlimitedShri Chhagan Bhujbal, Hon’ble Minister for PWD and Tourism, Govt. of Maharashtra will uncover the forth issue of Maharashtra Unlimited a special edition on Mumbai at Mini Theatre, Mantralaya. Under the chairmanship Shri. Ranjit Kamble, Hon’ble Minister of State for PWD & Touris Seven small islands have changed the course of India. Home to over 15 million people from all across the country, Mumbai truly is a miniature of India itself. The ‘Mumbai Special’ issue of the magazine ‘Maharashtra Unlimited’ explores Mumbai from lesser-known angles. Few people are aware of the ancient Buddhist heritage of the caves of Mumbai, and even fewer of what happened in the years in between the fall of Buddhism and the arrival of the Portuguese and the British. The ‘Mumbai Special’ tells the story of the seven islands over a span of 2000 years. Read about how Mumbai moved into the modern era as its transport system shifted from horses to trams to its current sprawling network. Not to be forgotten are the old forts of Mumbai and its many places of worship. And of course, no one can leave out the famous museums, beaches, eateries and landmarks of the megapolis or would rather experience the wonder of the Sanjay Gandhi National Park, Mumbai never ceases to amaze.
As Dr Jagadish Patil, Managing Director of the MTDC puts it in his introduction to the Mumbai Special, “It is humanly impossible to put the entire city between the covers of any one magazine. This issue is our humble attempt to bring to light some little known facts and features of Mumbai for tourists, travellers and Mumbaikars alike.”

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Devender Grover
Devender was born in the year when the Beatles Group was formed. He holds two master’s degrees in English Literature and Public Administration. He also has an Honors degree in English Literature and a post-graduate diploma in Corporate Communications and Public Relations. He ventured into business, forming his own Media House, Profiles Media Network Private Limited, a twenty-year-old company. Excelling as an editor, Marketing, PR, Anchor, and Advertising specialist, he is now expertly navigating the world of social media. A widely traveled professional internationally, Devender has a deep understanding of Travel and Tourism, Fashion and Lifestyle, Aviation, and Hospitality Industry. Connect with Devender Grover @