PATA Travel Mart 2014 Opens in Phnom Penh, Cambodia

pata travel

pata travelThe PATA Travel Mart 2014 (PTM2014) opened yesterday in Phnom Penh, Cambodia, with over 1,000 delegates from close to 60 countries around the world joining the annual networking event organised by the Pacific Asia Travel Association (PATA) and generously hosted by the Ministry of Tourism of Cambodia.

“Cambodia with its unique cultural heritage that spans more than a thousand years of history has so much to offer international visitors from its cultural and natural attractions to its people and traditions,” said PATA Chairman Scott Supernaw at the opening press briefing.

The PATA Chairman told media at the Mart venue, the Diamond Island Convention and Exhibition Center, that for PTM2014, 450 seller delegates representing 233 organisations had booked over 3,000 square metres of floor space. Of these seller organisations, 52% are first-time sellers to the Mart. In total, some 31 seller destinations (countries and territories) are present.

The Mart has also attracted 266 buyer delegates from 252 organisations across 48 countries and territories. Some 28% of buyers were first-timers to the Mart, and there were 60 journalists attending from 18 source markets.

Additionally, the International Conference on Community Development Through Tourism held two days before the Mart attracted over 300 delegates, and the ASEAN Tourism Investment Forum held yesterday afternoon attracted nearly 200 delegates.

Established in 1978, the PATA Travel Mart is Asia Pacific’s longest running and most value adding networking event for the travel and tourism industry. Evolving over the years to suit the needs of the industry, this year’s event features the first-ever Responsible Travel Pavilion, where members and travel industry stakeholders that are committed to responsible and sustainable travel can share their knowledge, experiences and lessons learned in an informal setting. Furthermore the Association introduced a new initiative at the Mart, PTM Talks, which involves a small seminar area within the main trade hall for organisations to conduct 20-minute ‘power’ workshops to engage and interact with a small group of delegates.

A ribbon cutting ceremony in front of DICEC officially opened the Mart yesterday, and was presided over by His Excellency Dr. Thong Khon, Minister of Tourism, Cambodia, Mr. Scott Supernaw, Chairman, PATA, His Excellency R V Deshpande, Minister for Higher Education and Tourism Government of Karnataka, India, His Excellency Pa Socheatvong, Governor of Phnom Penh, Mr. Martin Craigs, CEO, PATA, His Excellency Chhuon Dara, Secretary of State of Ministry of Commerce, Cambodia, and His Excellency Ouk Socheat, Secretary of State of Ministry of Culture & Fine Art.

At the opening reception dinner on September 17th, Mr. Supernaw stated that, “Over the last few months all of us at PATA have been highly impressed by the passion and commitment of Cambodia to host PATA Travel Mart 2014, as well as the conference, forum and youth symposium being held in conjunction with this event.”