Chiranjeevi Sanctions INR 100 crore package for Uttrakhand

union minister of tourism

union minister of tourismUnion Minister of Tourism K Chiranjeevi today sanctioned a special financial package of Rs. 100 crore for restoration and reconstruction of the affected Government tourist facilities in Uttarakhand. This will be in addition to the Central Financial Assistance of about Rs. 95 crore already sanctioned during the current financial year for developing tourism infrastructure in the State. Uttarakhand has recently witnessed an unprecedented natural calamity that has caused colossal damage to both life and infrastructure in the State.

The State Government has been advised to assess the destroyed and damaged tourist amenities and conveniences and come back with the requirement of funds for rebuilding the infrastructure. On examination of the demand, Ministry of Tourism will sanction funds.

The funds sanctioned in the relief package will be utilised for restoration and reconstruction of tourist infrastructure across the State with a special focus on tourist facilities along yatra route which will be used for providing shelter to the disaster hit pilgrims and tourists.

Through a series of meetings held with the representatives of the hotel industry, tour operartor’s, travel agents and all other stakeholders in the travel and tourism trade since last week the Union Tourism Minister is coordinating the travel trades donations to the Prime Minister’s Relief Fund for the reconstruction and rejuvenation of the tourism industry in Uttarakhand. The various tourism associations have instructed their members all over India to donate generously to the Prime Minister’s Relief Fund and total collection is being tabulated.

It may be recalled that Shri Chiranjeevi had earlier donated crore from his MPLADS funds for Uttarakhand.