Destination Canada unveils brand evolution at annual Rendez-vous Canada


TORONTO — Rendez-vous Canada (RVC), Canada’s signature international tourism marketplace, is in full swing in Toronto with over 1,900 attendees and 580 travel sellers from across the country in attendance.

Now in its 43rd year and hosted by Destination Canada, the event welcomes qualified travel buyers to explore and partner with Canadian tourism professions in order to market and sell Canada with confidence. Over 620 buyers from 29 countries are also expected to attend.

According to Destination Canada, Canadian tourism achieved over $100 billion in tourism revenues last year and generated $42.4 billion in gross domestic product (GDP), up 5.0% over 2017. In total, tourism captured a 2.1% share of Canada’s total GDP in 2018.

Canadians continue to invest in exploring their own country, with domestic tourism expenditures gaining 5.8% in 2018. Canadians spent relatively more of their travel budget on transportation (42%), particularly air transport (22%) and vehicle fuel (13%).

To inspire even more tourism growth, Destination Canada announced a “brand evolution” following a five-year period of transformation. Now considered a digitally focused, data-driven organization, the agency said that it is moving Canada from more than a destination on a map to an invitation to connect with Canadians, the land and local culture.

As such, the tagline ‘For Glowing Hearts’, which was inspired by the national anthem, as well as a distinctive heart-shaped logo have been positioned as central elements of the evolved brand. Both have been designed to create a strong emotional connection with travellers.

Citing record-breaking figures that include 21.1 million international visitors in 2018 and $1.76 billion in international tourism spending, David Goldstein, Destination Canada President and CEO, said: “We’re going to build off that momentum and create a movement that overcomes apathy and drives international travellers, Canadians and the tourism industry to embrace our destination with passion and with glowing hearts.”

Destination Canada will roll out the brand in its 10 leisure and five business events markets, across digital and print platforms, in the coming months.

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Ben Cowan-Dewar, Chairperson of Destination Canada’s Board of Directors, added that travellers today want more than an experience – they want to be transformed. “The brand evolution is driven by the belief that travel should change you, and Canada will leave a lasting mark on your heart. It is how we share our passion with the world.”

Rendez-vous Canada runs from May 28-31 at Metro Toronto Convention Centre.