FITUR 2014 opens its doors to the most discerning travellers


fiturOn Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th January, the International Tourism Trade Fair has started presenting the most suggestive destinations and a range of highly attractive activities so that travellers can plan their next holidays

As occurs each year, travel enthusiasts will play the starring role at FITUR on the weekend of Saturday 25th and Sunday 26th January. In this respect, a packed programme of activities and meetings has been planned to complement the products and services offered by exhibitors at the trade fair.

Among other activities, Saturday 25th January will witness the fourth staging of the Travel Gymkhana, organised by FITUR and The participants will put their knowledge of different destinations to the test in order to complete their passports with different stamps, thus gaining access to different prizes, such as trips abroad, hotel stays and experiences at restaurants. During the last staging of FITUR, some 2,900 visitors collected their passport in order to take part in this challenge.

The Fifth Travel Gathering will take place on the same day. Thus, four travellers will relate their trips and advise participants how to prepare for them, highlighting the most attractive destinations for the trip of their dreams in different parts of the world. Participants will also have the opportunity to meet other people with similar experiences. The following figures will take part this year, amongst others: Alfredo Menéndez, the Director of the radio programme “Las mañanas de RNE”; Carlos Portal, whose grand trips so far have been Madrid-Australia and Madrid-South Africa by motorbike; Ramón Bustamante, the author of “Diarios de África”; and Alfonso Javier Matías Manday, whose blog won the Bitácoras 2013 Award. Last year, around 1,400 travel enthusiasts attended the event.

On Sunday 26th January, photography enthusiasts can sign up for a Travel Photography Workshop.  This free activity will be headed by a number of professional photographers and Internet experts, offering participants a number of tips on how to make the most of their photographs with a series of simple tricks, thus producing the perfect travel album.

Furthermore, an information point will be set up at the South Gate at Feria de Madrid throughout the entire weekend where visitors can obtain their personalised maps based on their preferences and tastes.

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Devender Grover
Devender was born in the year when the Beatles Group was formed. He holds two master’s degrees in English Literature and Public Administration. He also has an Honors degree in English Literature and a post-graduate diploma in Corporate Communications and Public Relations. He ventured into business, forming his own Media House, Profiles Media Network Private Limited, a twenty-year-old company. Excelling as an editor, Marketing, PR, Anchor, and Advertising specialist, he is now expertly navigating the world of social media. A widely traveled professional internationally, Devender has a deep understanding of Travel and Tourism, Fashion and Lifestyle, Aviation, and Hospitality Industry. Connect with Devender Grover @