Lords Hotels and Resorts, a leading mid-market hotel chain with presence in 39 cities, 10 states and 2 countries plays a vital role in organizing successful meetings and conferences amid COVID 19 pandemic.
Lords Hotels and Resorts is committed to serve guests in a safe and hygienic environment. Their safe stay initiative “Karona Safe Rahona Safe” is based on the guidelines of WHO, FSSAI and MHFW. The enhanced protocols include social distancing, Thermal screening of each attendee, sanitisation, thermal screening of guest, disinfectant foggers are placed in indoor convention spaces and touch less sanitiser is placed near the entrance of every venue.
Furthermore, extra cleaning and sanitizing of public or frequent contact spaces like front desk, elevators, entrance door and handrails, public bathrooms and seating areas is also conducted. In addition to these measures, the hotel group has also designated a COVID warrior at each hotel and a dedicated team available 24X7 for assistance.
Pushpendra Bansal, COO – Lords Hotels and Resorts commented “The well-being of our team mates and all who visit our properties is our highest priority, and we remain diligent in our commitment to provide a safe environment. We are closely in touch with public health authorities and are following their guidelines”.