Passport clearance cut to 10 seconds at Dubai Airports


Pre-approval system checks air travellers 48 hours before they fly

Travellers at Dubai Airports will be able to get through passport control in as fast as 10 seconds by the end of 2018 thanks to a new passenger pre-approval system that checks air travellers 48 hours before they fly.

The Next Generation Borders system, developed by the General Directorate of Residency and Foreigners Affairs (GDRFA) in Dubai, will be installed at arrival and departure terminals, reported Gulf News.

The system is able to collect data as soon as a passenger buys an airline ticket, according to Brigadier Talal Ahmad Al Shanqeti, general director assistant of Airport Immigration Department at GDRFA-Dubai.

“The system makes necessary checks on passengers to issue clearance and send the details to the passport control officer who will need only 10 seconds to stamp the passport rather than three minutes in the past,” said Al Shanqeti.

It has already been implemented at Terminal 3 at Dubai International Airport while Terminal 1, 2 and Al Maktoum International Airport are expected to be ready by end of 2018.

Passport clearance typically takes longer when passengers share a similar name to travellers on a watch list.