South African Tourism Board Launches ‘Fastest 50’ Campaign for Trade Partners


South African Tourism has launched the ‘Fastest 50’ – a unique incentive campaign for trade partners in India. The first 20 agents to book fastest 50 customers for a 9 nights or more package will win an all-expense paid trip to the Rainbow Nation.

To participate, partners have to be certified SA Specialists (both phases) and have at least two packages featured on South African Tourism website deal page. The Fastest 50 campaign is valid for travel period
from June 1 onwards.

Commenting on the campaign, Country Manager – India, Ms. Hanneli Slabber said that, “India is an important market for South African Tourism and our trade partners have been vital in our success here.

It is essential that we engage with our partners in meaningful and innovative ways to allow them to sell the destination and experience South Africa first hand.

This campaign is our effort to sustain these engagements so that we have destination loyalists. We invite
all our partners to participate and be the first in this exciting run chase and make the most of it.”

All the terms and conditions to be followed are as listed below:

1) The participant needs to be available to travel in February, 2017

2) Bookings done for the travel period from 1st June 2016 onwards

3) All participating consultants must be SA Specialists (Essentials + 7 Experiences) and have at least
two packages listed on the Chalo South Africa website To upload deals log on to

4) Ground handling must be done by any ground handler who attended the roadshow in the last three years, and is still a valid SATSA member

5) Travel packages sold by the participants should be for 9 nights or more