Travel Agents Federation of India (TAFI) Elects a New Team


Elections were held for the TAFI National Management Committee on July 24, 2021. Members, pan India, from TAFI‟s 11 Chapters, cast their e-vote in a virtual election conducted by NSDL and selected, with a thumping majority, a new team to take TAFI forward in the new Decade.
Ajay Prakash – A passionate TAFI‟ite, who has held various positions, including the position of TAFI President from 2010 to 2012, will lead this new Pan India Team, with the mission to Rejuvenate TAFI.

Mr Ajay Prakash – President

Mr Kamal R Jadhwani – Vice President
Mr. Abbas Moiz National – General Secretary
Mr. Hitank Shah – Treasurer
Ms. Rani Bachani – Committee Member
Mr. Anil Kalsi – Committee Member
Mr. Rai Achal Krishna – Committee Member
Mr. Seeraj Singh Sabharwal – Committee Member
Mr. Lalith Jain – Committee Member

Outlining the vision of the new team and major thrust areas, Ajay Prakash said“The Travel Industry is facing, tremendous, unprecedented challenges, but challenges compel you to think outside the box and look for creative solutions. Our first priority is to restore the faith of our members along with increasing our membership base because an Association derives its strength not from individuals but from the will of its collective membership. We shall engage with our members in a more consistent, meaningful, and coherent dialogue. Our Chapter Committees need to be empowered and educated on the ever-changing scenario, our members need to feel a sense of ownership and pride and to believe that TAFI is there for them.

We also need to work closely with all the other Associations towards creating a credible lobby whose voice is heard. We need better outreach to the government and the traveling public and drive home the necessity of consultation with the industry on policy matters. But above all, we need to inculcate a more responsible approach to tourism by all stakeholders. The ugly term “revenge tourism‟ has no place in the lexicon of the next, normal. Sustainability has to grow beyond merely a catchphrase; the Green Imperative and Responsible Tourism need to be built into the core business strategy at every level of the tourism ecosphere”.

Some of the other key areas that Abbas Moiz, National General Secretary commented upon: “We need to urgently ensure that Agents are protected against Airline Failure – this will protect not just Agents, but also the Travelling Public since we have all suffered when an Airline folds up. The fractured relationship between Agents, Airlines and IATA needs a
serious overhaul. We shall create legal and facilitation cells to assist our members. Our objective is to create value for our members and assist them to look at issues not as problems, but as a learning process, using technology to create unique solutions, suited to their own organizations.

We shall also ensure that our members receive regular updates, from our liaison with relevant National Government Bodies, like the Ministry of Civil Aviation, Ministry of Tourism, DGCA, etc., and with our principals, i.e. IATA, Airlines, Hotels, Diplomatic Missions, tourism boards, and all others of relevance.” Two more members are to be co-opted as per the bye-laws of TAFI at the first meeting of the new Managing Committee scheduled in the coming week and Mr. Pradip Lulla will join the MC as the IPP (Immediate Past President).