ibtm world to remain in Barcelona


It was announced during the opening conference for ibtm world 2015 that Reed Exhibitions has signed an extension to its partnership with Barcelona and Fira de Barcelona to remain in the city for the foreseeable future.

ibtm world (formerly EIBTM) has developed significantly since its move to Barcelona in 2004 and today attracts over 15,000 meetings professionals to the city each year with an estimated economic impact of some 60 million euros. The operational logistics to deliver such an event have been fine-tuned over recent years through strong collaboration between key stakeholder organisations which have seen ibtm world maintain its status as the leading event for the industry.

Graeme Barnett, Senior Exhibition Director, ibtm world comments, “The commitment, collaboration and passion shown by the city and regional stakeholders to work with us to create and deliver a world-class experience in Barcelona have been, in itself, world-class.  From arrival to departure, this city and all of the partners work together as ‘Team Barcelona’ with an incredibly positive ethos to ensure that we deliver the best and most memorable experience for our customers, both business and pleasure. – See more at: http://www.traveldailynews.com/news/article/69118/ibtm-world-to-remain-in#sthash.CcBsOJNC.dpuf