Train ticket to Amsterdam in combination with KLM air ticket


As of this week, KLM passengers booking air tickets will simultaneously be able to book a train ticket from Schiphol to Amsterdam Central Station with NS Dutch Railways. The service is mainly intended for foreign visitors flying KLM to Schiphol and staying at accommodation in Amsterdam. Travellers can now plan and book their entire journey in one place and won’t have to wait in line to buy a train ticket.

KLM has launched a new pilot initiative enabling customers to book train tickets from Amsterdam Schiphol to Centraal station as part of the flight booking process.

The carrier said that the partnership with Car Trawler “is mainly intended for foreign visitors flying KLM to Schiphol and staying at accommodation in Amsterdam”, and means that customers “can now plan and book their entire journey in one place and won’t have to wait in line to buy a train ticket”.

After completing the booking, customers are emailed their rail tickets by NS Dutch Railways.

The service builds on an existing partnership with Car Trawler, through which KLM customers can combine their flight tickets with car rental or taxi bookings.

The carrier also said that it intends to offer more domestic rail services to and from Schiphol through the Car Trawler booking platform “in the coming months”, stating that “NS Dutch Railways and KLM want to ensure that rail and air services coincide more closely”.

In other news, reports that KLM will be cancelling a number of flights between February 7 and March 13, due to staff sickness as a result of Covid-19.

The publication says the destinations affected, and how many flights are involved, are currently being finalized.